Entä sitte nyt? En vielä Krakovasta takasin tullessanikaan tienny, mitä haluan tehdä jatkossa. Nyt sekin on kuitenki alkanu pikkuhiljaa valjeta. Vihdoin tiedän mitä haluan tulevaisuudessa opiskella. Koskaan ei voi kuitenkaan tietää, mitä elämä tuo tullessaan! Aina tulee vastaan eri mahdollisuuksia ja pidän ovet auki joka suuntaan. Katotaan mistä mä löydän itteni sillon, ku luen kirjeen, jonka kirjotin nyt tulevaisuuden itelleni.
Oli hauskaa kirjottaa pitkästä aikaa tänne bloginki puolelle. Kiitos, ku jaksoit tulla lukemaan!
I wrote myself a letter almost exactly 3 years ago when I was in high school. Time has changed a lot. I wrote the letter as a happy and thoughtful 17-year-old girl. In the letter I was pondering myself. Who am I? Why am I like this? What do I want from life? Today 3 years later I am a happy and thoughtful 20-year-old girl. I still don't know who am I exactly or why am I like this. I will never know. But I've learnt a lot about myself and now I know a little bit more what I want from life. I have grown as a person and learnt to know myself better. During three years has happened a lot. The biggest thing was of course moving to Poland. It was a big step in my life and also the best experience of my life. From that journey I got some very valuable experiences, dear memories and new friends who became very very important for me. Krakow became my own home city and it will always be my second home. I am so happy and grateful that I had the opportunity to go there!
What about now? Even when I came back from Krakow I still didn't know what I want to do in the future. But know it has started to become more clear for me. Finally I know what I want to study in the future. Anyway you can never know what life brings for you! There will always be different possibilities and I will keep my doors open to every direction. We will see where I will find myself when I read the letter which I wrote now for my future self.
It was fun to write for so long time hereon my blog and for the first time also in english. Thank you for coming to read it!